Bersyukur ke hadrat ilahi dgn limpah kurnianya, sy berjaya buat blog ni. HAHA. okay stop. aku tk nk jd pengetua bagai nih. Kena kutuk je. Dah la pengetua skrg kedekut. Minx tu tk boleh ni tk boleh. *kpd semua pengetua, jgn terasa. Ini ditujukan khas kpd pengetua kedekut. Okay aku start merapu sudaa. My story today is NEW PHONE !
And im kinda jealous who have awesome phone cell. Its begin crap in old folks' mind when why people spend a lot of money for just A PHONE ? For them, phone boleh call and texting pun dh ckup. Eleh makcik kat sebelah rumah aku ni pkai je BLACKBERRY BOLD. Hari2 aku tgk dy online pkai BB, sambil duduk dkt taman dpn rumah, teman anak dy mnd pool. HAHA. Adakah dy tidak tua ? Or tua tp jiwa muda. Teehee ! But ni citer pasal my lovely mom :) Check this out !
HTC Sensation XE with Beats !
On my first thought, Ouh HTC je pun. On my second thought, HOLYSHIAT ! WITH BEATS ???? This is crappy yaw ! Hengatkan beli phone apa je. Rupanya HTC with BEATS ! Aku minx dr dulu tk dpt kot -.- nasib baik je la dy ni kerja. Haih. Sabaaaaaaaaaaaa je lahhh ! Aku nk jgk doe. Tp yg best nya phone lama dy bg kat aku. You know what the hell of phone is it ? Yeah check it out one more time :)
Okay, the black one is mine. And the white one is my mom's. Then I start to feel happy, but wait ! Are those phone are same ? -.- Then I realised how fool I am. HAHA. Aku lupa pula phone dy sama ngan aku. Hadoiiii ! Egt kan phone baru. Padahal phone baru yg sama. Baru lah sgt kan. Huh. Damn it ! Then aku pergi OU hari sabtu lepas, nmpk Beats Headphone(fake one) dkt kedai mobile phone kot. Ntah la kcik je aku tgk kdai tuh. So aku beli la headphone tuhh. Nk try then aku compare dgn Beats ori my mum. Nk tergelak jgk la sbb bass dy hmpir sama. So, my mum's Beats earphone Rm 690 vs my Beats headphone Rm 89.90 . HAHA. For sure lah Beats my mum terbaekk ! Cehh kmpul duit lah beli nty :) Pray for me !
My OWN Fake Beats XD
Thats all dude ! Wish u enjoy read my blog. Follow me and i'll follow u :) Daa ~